Thursday, April 25, 2013

Fundraiser Success- Countdown to see Anat Baniel

Our fundraiser campaign was a huge success. Thanks to everyone who helped us make this dream trip into a reality. Many opportunities have come as a result of this fundraiser. One highlight of this amazing and humbling experience is the chance to create awereness and acceptance of kids with special needs. We decided to let the kids design our campaign Tshirts.  We are having a contest that consists of explaining to your kids what is Cerebral Palsy and why is it important to accept and include kids with special needs,  ask lots of questions instead of staring at differences, and spread awereness. Kids are encouraged to draw what cerebral palsy awereness means to them and send their drawings to: before Sunday,  April 27th, 2013. The best 2 drawings will bechosen and will be used on our Tshirts design and will win a prize. All the drawings will be distributed through various media to spread awereness and acceptance of kids with special needs.


Homeschooling giant
From Palm Coast, FL

Leader in Summer Camp Fitness Program for Kids in South Florida
Fitness For Kids

And all the amazing families and people who helped in Our Journey to Help Sophie Walk.


  1. Lauren-
    I'm beyond stoked to hear that you all get to have this amazing opportunity for your sweet Sophie. I pray that it reveals some answers to your questions. I hope that the benefits are spectacular. I'm doing the happy dance for you!
    Love ya!

  2. Thanks Shan. We are very excited to see the results too. Sophie received a couple of therapies from someone local and I was pretty impressed with the results we saw after just two lessons. She is holding a cup with two open hands and rolled iver from back to belly once, all by herself!

    I miss talking to you... I will try to give you a call tonight :)
