Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Siblings and Therapy

This is really the most difficult part about going to therapy six times a week. Keeping my five year old son busy during Sophie's therapies is a challenge. He starts Pre-K at 1pm and all the therapies are in the morning. I am noticing that he wants attention for him too because during therapy time is all about Sophie. He waits exactly for the moment when I have to answer questions and starts yelling "Mama", look at me, look at this. Anything to bring attention to himself. Since they offer swimming lessons at the therapy center, I signed him up for lessons there so that he would receive attention during his time. Unfortunately he didn't like it and we ended up losing the last 2 classes. I continue to think of ways to help him get involved and guve him the attention that he deserves too.


  1. Lauren-
    Have you tried taking a backpack of activities for your son to do during therapy sessions? Books? Coloring books? Playdough? Etc.? I'm sure you have thought of this before. I was just thinking that you could change out his activities to have little surprises for him to do while he is waiting. It was just a thought. I'd be glad to brainstorm some activities with you. Good luck!

  2. I have to apologize about my spelling sometimes, I am typing on my tablet because my laptop crashed.

    Thank you so much, Shannon. ALL ideas aare welcomed!
    I always bring soemthing to keep him busy for feeding therapy, he brings toy cars and I let him play games on the tablet but he always has something to show me while Iam discussing Sophie's progress. When we do PT and OT, he plays at the gym and he loves it but he gets a little loud and I always have to tell him to keep it down. I cannot wait until August becaause he will start Kindergrten and everything will be so much easier :)

    1. Don't worry about the spelling. I'm just glad you are out there...somewhere...& that we have connected.

      I know that must be frustrating trying to give him attention while you are watching the therapists as well. I know that there is always so much to remember & questions to remember to ask. Maybe it would help to bring a notebook to take notes or tape record some of what they say. Maybe jot down things during the week for the next session & make sure you ask on those questions, etc. I certainly don't have it all together. Most of the time my brain seems half-baked.

      I think you have it all together. :)

  3. Typing on a touchscreen is so annoying :)
