Sunday, June 9, 2013

Our trip to the Anat Baniel method center- the details.

In an effort to help those doing research and trying to find before and after stories, and results with ABM, I will write all about our first trip to ABM on this post.
The trip from Florida to San Rafael, CA was entirely funded with the help of FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND LOVING HEARTS.
- The 2 plane trip took a whole day about 12 hrs total. Ft. Lauderdale to San Francisco. layover in Atlanta,  GA.
- Sophie did really well until about an hour before we landed at SFO. She had been constipated,  as it is usual for 3 days and was crying in pain for the last hour of the plane ride.
-Status, milestones before Anat Baniel: 20 months old.
Diagnosis: Spastic Ataxic quad or diplegia (received both diagnosis),  dysphagia.
Hands: Sophie forgets that she has a left hand and just keeps it fisted 90 percent of the time without using it. She does use her right hand a lot more and with better efficiency.
Legs: high tone. Doesn't crawl, or walk, or stand.
Trunk: low tone. Unable to sit independently and loses balance of her upper body easily. Unable to toll over either way. She has rolled over, on her own, twice in her life.
Great head control.
Verbal: speaks up to 5 words almost perfectly.  Mimics sounds. She is very bright and very social, loves to smile and say hello to everyone.
Eating: unable to swallow solids. Her diet is 100 percent liquids only.
- ABM- Begin Day one: am and pm lessons

DAY ONE SUMMARY: The results so far: Impressive.  Sophie lifted up her shoulders high up ftom the table and held her shoulders up using her arms.
Truly amazing. I had to hold in my tears a few times as I couldn't believe how strong and coordinated Sophie was. Unfortunately Sophie has pink eye (conjuntuvitis) in both eyes and infection in her ears. After seeing so much discharge coming from her eyes before her second lesson, we had to quickly find an urgent care facility to get her treated. She still did great at ABM. Hopefully she will feel better tomorrow. She is on antibiotics right now.

DAY TWO SUMMARY: Sophie is better from pink eye infection and seems to be having some ear pain. Sophie had a great day today. It was not as impressive as yesterday because she seemed to be quite tired but, Great, nevertheless. About 15 minutes into the afternoon session, she grabbed a toy phone with her right hand, and then something MAGIC happened, Sophie opened her left hand and using her index finger began pushing the tiny buttons, one at a time using just her pointy finger. That was a WOW moment. She has since then continued to use that hand, it is as if she finally realized that she has a left hand. Tomorrow we will see Anat and I will be ready to take lots of pictures and videos! Have an amazing night!

DAY THREE SUMMARY: Sophie saw Anat today for one hour at a cost of $500. We also saw another AMAZING senior practitioner for $200/ 45 minutes, his name is Neil. Anat is very nice, very well educated, and has a great sense of humor. I must say that this group of praticioners at Anat Baniel Method, San Rafael take great consideration in the needs of the child. Based on our experience, they do not do anything that makes the child upset, this is not to say that the child is not challenged but they listen to what the child wants, needs, and they make sure that the child is comfortable. The environment is extremely positive. At all times, I felt that Sophie was learning something new. There were many wow moments. Very slight changes that only I can notice because I see her movements, and lack of movement, all day, every day. Sophie looked comfortable and happy.

DAY FOUR SUMMARY: We saw Anat again today for 30 minutes and a $300 charge. We also saw another Senior practitioner in the morning, his is great. His name is Chris, for a charge of $200 for 45 minutes, Developments: Sophie is remakably more vocal. She says several new words such as "apple", "flower", and no. She communicated when she needs something and answers back in a way that I cannot believe. Sophie recognizes that she has a left hand and uses it very consistently. She loves her left hand now, brings it to her mouth and just spends a lot of time staring at it.


  1. Thinking about you all & praying a lot. I can't wait to hear an update. Hugs, Shan

  2. Thank you my friend! It has been amazing so far... I will keep you posted.

  3. Exciting! We are hoping to go out to see Anat at the end of August or September. SO thankful for this method! Our son, Judah, had a brain injury at 5 weeks old, now diagnosed as CP. His page is

    1. Hi Krista, Judah is a handsome boy! I am sure that you will see great progress with ABM, just as we did. Please keep me posted. I will be following your blog :)
