Monday, August 26, 2024

IT has been a minute or two...

 A lot of time has passed since I have written on this blog. Maybe I have not had the need to express myself about our unique and fantastic life, or maybe I have not had the time. In all these years, I have worked and graduated with a degree in exceptional student education and a masters in education. Yes, I have been very busy making a future for ourselves and building a career that I can be happy and proud of.  And best of all, my career has been a product of my inspiration: my daughter. I wanted to be savvy enough to help her live the best life possible and that has been my driving motor. I found it appropriate to write tonight because my heart is broken into pieces. So much has changed since I wrote here. It seems as thought it was only yesterday that our lives made a turn and we were forced to learn all about what it was like to raise a child who has different needs, which we are still joyfully learning every day. Do you know that feeling when there is a kind of emptiness in your chest that reaches all the way to your stomach? That is what I feel today when I hear my child tell me the story about her best friend having a birthday pool party and how she did not get invited to it because her friend's family "did not know how it would work." Why didn't this mom reach out to me and asked me for advice or at least tell me the reason why the child who my daughter considers her "best friend" did not invite her? What is worse or sad is that my little one said that she "understands." I asked her to be honest, to tell me how she felt. I did not want her to hide disappointment in her heart without being able to talk about it. She said that she is fine because her friend explained to her the reason why, which is  that they did not know how a person in a wheelchair could get into a pool. I am lucky that she is so innocent. Innocence is a bliss in this moment because she is not heartbroken as she should be. Here she is, planing her own birthday party which will happen in a few weeks and all she says is how she is going to invite the little person that she considers her "best friend" in school. The same little person who had her own pool party last week which my daughter found out about through other kids who DID go to the party because they are not in a wheelchair. I wonder how anyone can think that this is ok. I wonder why the mom did not even try to reach me to ask me. All I can do is wonder, but just for a moment because I need to move on. I don't tend to dwell on things like this because it is waste of energy. I will be heartbroken tonight and then we will move on. I pray that things like this don't ever happen again, but who am I kidding. I cannot prevent heartbreak for her All I can do is prepare her to be strong enough to keep going despite situations like this. How to do that? I am not sure yet, but I know it will come to me. 

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