I just want to say that I am tired of fighting. Not tired
like giving up. Just tired like I need to vent. I don’t want. I would never
give up. Why do we have to fight a constant battle? For parking spaces, for
school accommodations, for people to treat our daughters the same way they
treat other girls. Everyone has a fight so I understand that my daughter’s
needs are not on everyone else’s priority list. But I wish people could be just
slightly more understanding. I wish the Principal at the school understood how
hard it is when someone who doesn’t need a handicap space parks there and why
we need a designated unload area that it not those spaces because they are not
always available. I wish that they would not have discriminated my daughter and placed her in the academically lowest class, even though she is three grades levels above, just because she is in a wheelchair. I wish the ballet school understood that my kid needs a
little pick me up to keep up. I wish they wouldn’t just give up on her
when she says she wants to quit. I wish that the Girl Scouts were nicer and
more helpful and more inclusive in their activities. I have to work harder and figure
out a way to make a better future for all girls.
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