Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas 2014, this is our Christmas

It's been a while...
Our family has grown, and we have grown to accept cerebral palsy as a regular and very normal part of our lives. Most days we don't even know it's there. We are happy and blessed regardless of a small disability that inhibits our three year old from walking. It seems like ages ago that she was born a 27 weeker, along with her twin sister who did not survive past her fifth day of life. All that seems like it is way in the past, although our hearts acke like as if it happened yesterday.  We choose and try not to remember.  Instead, we choose to enjoy our present, which is filled with love, laughter,  full of life. We choose to ignore any differences that make our lives different from other families. We are no different,  we are six people with one gone, who choose to be happy. Merry Christmas to all those people who choose to just be happy no matter what comes their way. And to those who hurt and long for what could have been, may you find happiness soon enough in your journey.
